Patrick Guilfoyle is a man of exceptional taste and that extends to how he treats his canine guests. He has built an oasis for dogs in Burbank, a swanky spa for your pooch where they can play and frolic while you vacation or work watching them on webcams. My wife and I are freaks, in that we are in our thirties without children and two dogs that we DO NOT ANTHROPOMORPHIZE. They are dogs, not children. Because we understand they are dogs we do not pamper them as if they were people, we treat them well as befits their species. Their idea of vacation is to roll in water, sniff strange ass, pee on each other, and play all day. (OK, that may be some human’s idea of fun, too.) We have two dogs, a pitbull/basenji mix allergic to everything, and an ex-racing greyhound. They love their time at DDDY and we rest assured knowing Patrick and his exceptional staff take top care of our dogs. The greyhound’s skin can tear like rice paper, and those tears can keep ripping if they’re not caught in time. So far no tears, which to me says that fights and skirmishes are caught in time and stopped. Double Dog Dare Ya is a premium doggie day care and kennel, so expect to pay more than other places. But if you are in a position to do so, and understand that “hotelling” your pet is both stupid and really just bores them, take them to Double Dog and envy the simplicity of modern design as applied to dogs. Outdoor play-area has tarps for shade, a swimming pond, and lots of room to roam. They cap their population to prevent a negative caretaker:dog ratio. Their informal motto is a dog that sleeps for two days after a visit is a job well done. In the many times my dogs have been there, “sleep” is a polite way of saying “comatose”.
(818) 846-2234, 122 W Linden Ct, Burbank