I run down Matsuhisa at every chance I get because not only was it the most expensive meal I’ve ever been treated to, but the fish and presentation was nothing I could not get downtown for a fraction of the price. Hama Sushi is perhaps the best sushi bar I’ve been to in town, possibly because there is a fish market next door. Fish comes in to the market, chef ducks through a small door to get the cut he wants. This is one of the only sushi restaurants I’ve been to where they have the standard Asahi beer menu on the table – and that’s their menu. The specials are whatever the chef decides to give you, or if you speak enough Japanese you can get whatever you want. I don’t speak a lick of it, so I let the chef do the surprising. In fact, most of the staff and clientele don’t speak English which is why you know you’re getting good sushi. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, and you can’t pass crap sushi off the locals. The prices are basically market fish price. Back when we were rich we’d drop $90 and gorge ourselves. Nowadays we can get by for about $50.
Downtown LA