Langer’s is in, well, how should I say, a, um, shithole. It’s in one of the worst parts of Los Angeles for both gang violence, aggressive homeless begging and bad parking. But you have to go because it’s the best pastrami sandwich I’ve ever had. Due to environment, Langer’s closes at four pm. They don’t even try to stay open after dark. But go for an incredible lunch that will have you swooning in a beef coma for hours afterward. They have great desserts, too! And you’ll burn off the energy running back to your car to get the hell out. (My girlfriend just said I was so white for writing this review.) You can even call ahead, tell them what bill you’re paying with, and a waiter will meet you at the curb with your order and exact change. Huzzah!
704 S Alvarado St, Los Angeles