We were in town for the inaugural 70.3 half ironman and my wife’s local research told her Goldy’s was the place to go for our post-race-day brunch with our local friends. Research don’t lie, folks! Goldy’s was the PERFECT place to close out our time in Boise. Besides having an epic time in the city itself, and being greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm and hospitality for the entire race weekend, finishing at Goldy’s was icing on an already stupendous cake. When we got there at 10am on a Monday we were told there would be a 1 hour wait. The hostess took our name down and my cellphone number. No one in L.A. has this kind of common sense even though Paris Hilton’s DOG has a cellphone (and a held table at Spago, but only dogs eat at Spago). We went to get a cup of coffee around the corner at local chain Moxie (damn fine cup of coffee), and in less than half an hour my phone rang that our table was ready. Everything on the menu looked delicious! I had a very hard time making up my mind. (I should state that in my caloric-deprived and post-race endorphin high state it is possible that a Home Depot aluminum gauge chart would have seemed delicious.) Because of the day before I decided to take the brakes off the diet and go for broke. I ordered the day’s special: two chicken breasts split over eggs, bacon, on English muffins topped with a spicy garlic Hollandaise sauce. And what the hell, I also ordered the French toast stuffed with bananas, brown sugar, walnuts, and butter! Bring on the carbs! Rest of party ordered pancakes for the kids, omelets, salmon cakes, and more. Everything is made to order and many of the items like the salmon cake and sausages are made on the premises so the meal took some time to get to our table. But the staff was extremely friendly and attentive and we certainly didn’t feel ignored. Because when the food arrived IT WAS DELIVERED FROM OLYMPUS. Zeus’s beard never had such offerings as I tasted. Farm fresh ingredients made perfectly and served in generous, almost mid-west proportions. I have been punishing myself by calling the ingredients I get in my urban hellhole “food” because the bounty that was on my plate that morning was worthy of the Platonic ideal of breakfast. Stealing bites off other plates yielded more detonations of joy, leading me to proclaim I was not going back home to L.A. I was moving in to a permanent table at Goldy’s. My friends were welcome to visit any time. I’m sure Goldy’s won’t mind me moving in. Especially since I’ll need to race a half ironman EVERY DAY to justify eating the menu EVERY DAY. It will be a life lived in sweet, terrible ecstasy.
(208) 345-4100, 108 S Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID