Culver City Dog Park
The Boneyard was a long time coming. We donated funds early on to get it going and now we try and take our two dogs at least once a week for socializing and general activity. There’s enough room to run around, but little shade. In summer it gets very hot and you should watch your dog’s feet to make sure they’re not getting chewed up on the grounds. It’s very dusty so you’ll probably want to hose down your pooch afterwards. The closest dog wash I can think of is the Dogromat down Venice Blvd, assuming you don’t have a house and hose yourself. If I had my druthers I’d have more shady spots for humans and dogs to cool off, but I guess I’ll have to cough up some more scratch to make that happen! Please note, new dog licensing requirements go into effect July of 2007. Since Culver City (like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills) is its own incorporated city, they can impose restrictions like this to both curb interlopers without vaccinations as well as generate revenue that goes back into city parks and services. Please register your dog!
Duquesne, north of Jefferson Blvd, Culver City