Lakeshore is my secret weapon. My wife and I are in a minority in that we’re in our thirties, we don’t have kids, and we most certainly do NOT anthropomorphize our dogs. This is not to say we are unfamiliar with children. Far from it. We’re regularly infested with kids. Relatives, friends, neighbors, all of them have expanded their carbon footprints by popping out one or two of these little “miracles”. I’m all for devaluing the term “miracle” by applying it towards the biological imperative of reproduction. If a sadomasochist twist like Mother Theresa can be seen to have performed miracles, then perhaps we can just move on without the promotion to sainthood. “Fine. It’s a miracle. Take a look at Calcutta – it’s filled with miracles. Now can we ease the suffering of the poor instead of seeing pain as a path to salvation in your sick, barbaric, warped religion? Thanks.” But now that we’ve moved past the parade of weddings we’ve graduated to the onslaught of children. (A childless friend of ours had the idea of having a birthday party for her dog and inviting only the parents of the kids that she had bought presents for over the years. Sure, we’d love to think there’s no such thing as quid pro quo in gift giving, but imagine decades of that shit. I’d throw a party for my hat at that point.) Gifts for kids are a trick sack – a toy is pointless, excessive, and the domain of grandparents. Donations to charities are a great idea, but sometimes you don’t want to be *that* much of a hippie. Thus, Lakeshore. Educational games, learning kits, craft supplies, and pretty much everything you could need for the K-12 experience. Laminated posters of human anatomy to fish species to multiplication tables, modeling clay, board games, sheets of felt, rolls of plastic, und so weite. If it’s designed to facilitate learning, Lakeshore has it. It’s arranged by grade and age so picking out an appropriate item is ridiculously easy. Their prices are outstanding and their clerks can offer pointed guidance about pretty much everything. They even know their state capitals. Teachers get a discount and can get one of those dangly keychain membership cards. They frequently have sales in the middle aisle to make space for all the new stuff they bring in. If you’re ever at a loss for what to give your breeder friends, Lakeshore is your place. You were expecting me to make a pedophile joke somewhere, weren’t you?
(310) 559-9630, 8888 Venice Blvd, Los Angeles